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    Goshawk Info



Have you ever been harassed by a large dark noisy hawk while trout fishing, hunting, picking mushrooms, or hiking in the forest?



The hawk most likely to behave this way is the Northern Goshawk, a rare hawk found in extensive forests, during the breeding season.


In the past 25 years ,only a handful of nests have been reported. To improve our understanding of the biology of goshawks we are seeking any sightings of the uncommon hawk between April and August each summer.


If you have been harassed by a goshawk, please contact us!



       REWARD $$$

*For information about active nest sites





EMAIL–  Info@RaptorNestSurveys.com


Please NOTE:
We will NOT report sensitive nest sites that may impact land use such as logging.
Private lands are sensitive and we understand the issues and would rather have some data than none- even if the nest sites are slated to be imminently clearcut.